- Supported (but not limited to) binary / image file formats: exe, dll, drv, sys, ocx, cpl, scr, font raster / vector, drivers (printer / network / etc.).
- Only MZ and PE formats are supported. Currently, no support for NE format.
- PE section is not shown if stub program (WINSTUB) is not found after MZ section.
- Shows COFF file header fields, e.g. Machine (Intel 386, x64, Intel Itanium, MIPS, Power PC, ARM, etc.), Endianness (big-endian and little-endian), etc.
- Detects Windows subsystem, e.g. Windows GUI, Windows Console, The Posix, Windows CE, EFI, XBOX, etc.
- Detects Windows version, e.g. Windows 95, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows 7, etc.
- Icons can be viewed in Google Chrome and some minor support of icons in Opera, Mozilla Firefox (however, FF does not support 256x256), IE8 (if file size is smaller than 32KB).
- Data URI images may not be shown due to HTML specs - does not allow attribute value length to exceed 65536 bytes (see LITLEN, NORMSEP, ATTSPLEN and TAGLEN).
External resources
- Microsoft Executable-File Header Format.
- Wikipedia Portable Executable.
- Google EXE headers.
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